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August 2, 2010

So little time

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — J-chan @ 1:12 am

Here are some things at work that have kept me from making entries! (Exciting details in the alttext.)

I did get my job back, but a bunch of other stuff has happened to keep things… interesting. But it wasn’t all bad! Overall, despite the stress and management drama, I still really like my job. Still, this is me after most shifts:

When not at work, I’ve been making an anniversary gift for my parents, fulfilling various artistic obligations, occasionally seeing friends, and so on. Caught a few movies and such, but only had enough time and energy for this sketch:

Here are some drawings for others~

First, a panda for someone on IRC~ Next is a quick sketch of Kuu from the VN Ripples. Sakevisual is very inspiring and awesome~ Finally, an answer to a rather unusual question I found in my recent searches.

My big trip is soon, but I’ll try to get in an art post before then! And the actual details of this vacation will certainly be posted before I go~

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